Lyrics and translation The Slow Death - Adrift,

The Slow Death - Adrift


Группа: The Slow Death
Альбом: Ark
Год: 2015
Страна: Австралия

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She is fractured, bleeding precious gases
She is crippled, aimless, drifting

A dark shadow
Moving through the dark of space
This silent shadow of a dying world

Malignant cells she has brought with her
Contamination from Earth
The one kind she should have left behind
The human animal

She is dying
The Ark
And within her womb
Those of us left, will die with her

We were haunted, fractured, restless
We are remnants, now, drifting

She was a crucible
Desperate times, desperate measures
The last flailing shudder of a dying world

Every generation, forgets the mistakes
Of those who came before
Ours will be the last to learn
The consequences of war

It is cold
Fragments falling away, adrift
The last hope of mankind.
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