Lyrics and translation The Slow Death - Severance,

The Slow Death - Severance


Группа: The Slow Death
Альбом: Ark
Год: 2015
Страна: Австралия

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The blue planet, greying
Aged beyond her years
Opalescent glow in the endless black
A shrinking gem
A dwindling star
Now I can't recall the first day I realized
That I could no longer see her

I loved her

Dying mother
We fled from your acid tears
Your breath of ash
We peeled the blackened skin from your back
While you begged us for life

We ruined her

The grey planet, burning
This disease has ravaged her
Stained oceans of fetid brown
Ash in the clouds
Glass craters
And poisoned dust is all that remains
Where once we nested and multiplied

We abandoned her

Like parasites
We set forth from her ruined husk
Seeds of the disease
Seeking a new host
Invasive weeds
We bring the tools of conquest
And carry the seeds of our destruction
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