Lyrics and translation The Slow Death - Declamation,

The Slow Death - Declamation


Группа: The Slow Death
Альбом: Ark
Год: 2015
Страна: Австралия

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It is a world
The Ark
To those who have never seen a world
Those who never will

And they, the dying few who stepped aboard
The refugees, the world killers
Seek to force their wisdom upon us
Proclaiming the way to create a world
When they have only turned a world to ash

This is our world
The Ark
For those who will never see a world
Those who had no choice

And some will follow them, a foolish few
These withering elders burdened, blinded
Mired in shame, anchored to hopelessness
But we will be free of their past
Because this is the day when we choose
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