Lyrics and translation The Devouring Void - False Awakening,

The Devouring Void - False Awakening


Группа: The Devouring Void
Альбом: Hypnagogic Hallucinations
Год: 2021
Страна: Португалия

Другие тексты


[stage 1 NREM; anthypnic apparitions]

The weight of sleep
pervades her waning senses;
ghost-like shadows seep through the fog
of her perception

[stage 2 NREM; yet hardly part of either]

a part of two worlds
yet hardly part of either
gently veiled
by somnolescence;
sleep draws her deeper
as the voices dim

[stage 3 NREM; slow-waves and sleep-spindles]

And without a whisper;
she’s drawn beyond the veil
passing through the gates of praedomitium
received by slumber’s arms.

[REM; Zhuangzi’s butterfly]

A false awakening
Am I asleep and dreaming?
The room contorting before me
pre-lucid and fleeting, I glance at familiar scenes

Unfamiliarly with great trepidation and fear
Trying to make sense of this solipsistic nightmare.

[the in-between]

and through the uneven passage of time
a quietude once again seeps through her mind.

[REM; the falling dream]

Stands at the precipice;
our scene-change precipitous
One fatal misstep carelessly

Much like cursed Icarus
wind whipping merciless
left to the whim of gravity

at terminal velocity

until the point of impact

[awoken; Zhuangzi’s retort]

abruptly woken
coalescing lucidity

breathless but emboldened
palpitations begin to cease

it was all just a dream -
- all just a dream.
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