Lyrics and translation Ecchymosis - Semensoaked Cerebral Coitus,

Ecchymosis - Semensoaked Cerebral Coitus


Группа: Ecchymosis
Альбом: Aberrant Amusement In Cadaveric Vomitplay
Год: 2016
Страна: Азия, Таиланд

Другие тексты


I met her in this whorehouse
An old one with dried-up skin
Killing desire brought me to dismember this crone
Bullet right to the forehead now she lies motionlessly
Getting her supine
Pulling down the panties exposing the old cunt
Using this scalpel to slice off her wrinkled labia
I lick all the blood dripping from the wound
I slurp all the fishy liquid in the vagina
Undressing the bra exposing the old breasts
This prolapsing pair of flesh doesn’t turn me on
Biting off the nipples, chewing, consuming these tits
Slicing off the pieces of flesh from this ragged wound
Blood and brain still seep from her cranial wound
Can’t believe why my cock is getting hard
Didn’t know I would get aroused seeing brain oozing
I use the scalpel to penetrate and extend the wound
More seepage of brain getting me hornier
Inserting my huge cock into this wound
Touching and feeling the soft cranial chunks
I never perceived this bliss before
This cranial intercourse drives my cock to spew
Brain, blood, and cum get into a combination
The mingled liquid again seeping out
For me to carefully lick and swallow until dry
I will have to search for more craniosexual activities

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