Lyrics and translation Infected Flesh - Living Corpse,

Infected Flesh - Living Corpse


Группа: Infected Flesh
Альбом: Anthropophagical Devourment
Год: 2000
Страна: Испания

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I tried to mock the death pacting with the devil
My soul in exchange for eternal life
But an accident destroyed my illusions
Now my fixed body lies defenceless
I'm lied down in a cold stretcher
Surrounded by doctors
My body will be shattered
I can't scream while the blade rips my womb
Showing the entrails and cutting my stomach
My body lies sliced
My home is this hell
The saw cuts my skull exposing the brain
To be dissected
This men dressed in white
Emptying my body
My organs still bleeding
Uprooted one by one form my inside
Now my body lies cut in pieces put in a bucket
My heart don't beats but
I'm still alive
I can feel every cut
My living corpse
Now lies mutilated
I can feel the blood
Flowing out from my shredded body
I bought my soul and this is my hell
Condemned to live and butchered forever

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