Lyrics and translation No One Knows What The Dead Think - Kaine,

No One Knows What The Dead Think - Kaine


Группа: No One Knows What The Dead Think
Альбом: No One Knows What The Dead Think
Год: 2019
Страна: США

Другие тексты


Fire control systems - wired to belief
The constant snap of banners moving upstream

Please don't hold me
I'm just a copy of a corpse
A rutted leer that plays
Ash that becomes snowfall

The dusting of frost, that covers precious sutures
Connecting me to a life that never was

Please don't hold me
I'm just a copy of a corpse
Listlessly gathering
Broken things and putting them
In rows

Fires deepen the blighted shadow
Tainted bluff corseted with debris
Jutting margins imposed by failed attempts
The message simply repeats and repeats
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