Lyrics and translation Sad - True Evil Lies In The Hearts Of The Children,

Sad - True Evil Lies In The Hearts Of The Children


Группа: Sad
Альбом: A Curse In Disguise
Год: 2007
Страна: Греция

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True evil lies in the hearts of the children.

They deride the ugly
They segregate the different
'Cause true evil lies in the hearts of the children

They beat the weak
They steal from each other
'Cause true evil lies in the hearts of the children

They have no regrets,they don't back off
They manipulate you,they do only what please them
'Cause true evil lies in the hearts of the children

They follow only their primitive instincts
Only when social rules are dominated to them,
They behave socially correct

All emotions and all instincts are pure in the children
And when evil lurks in their hearts,it's pure evil
That's why pure evil lies in the hearts of the children
True evil lies in the hearts of the children

When they grow up and enter society this change
Sometimes it doesn't.

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